
This site is your window into the research progress of the W21 JOUR-342: Interactive Journalism class project. Keep reading for more information!

A church diverse in age

The Seventh-Day adventist church in the United States has a rich population, diverse in many ways. We are full of life, representing people of all ages and cultures. In previous semesters this class has explored the cultural diversity. Now we approach the generational diversity as we explore its profound impact on the culture, theology, and policy of the church and its members.

About Us

As a group of Seventh-day Adventist college students coming of age at a time of unprecedented upheaval in American society, we aim to contribute to the broader assessment of our current circumstances by exploring generational perspectives regarding various hot topics within our denomination.

This blog is the research log for the W21 JOUR-342 Interactive Journalism class at Southern Adventist University. Through this platform, our goal is to give you a window into how we research and produce content for our final project as we move through the semester.

This year, we are researching the topic: “A Generational Divide: Understanding Perspectives in the Seventh-day Adventist Church.” As student journalists, we will explore generational perspectives on everything from LGBTQ issues to prophecy. We will research many of these topics within the context of cultural dynamics, whether they be due to race, gender, ethnicity or political ideologies.

Along the way, we will update you – our audience – on our findings through weekly blog postings on social media.

The project – led by professors Alva James-Johnson and Ryan Harrell –  will result in an interactive website with loads of information. To meet us all and learn more about our backgrounds and why we’re involved in this project, read through our profiles.

We hope you enjoy our journey!


A Coming Dawn

Hearing the stories of survivors of sexual abuse is never easy. I had the chance to do so just last week as part of this project. How do you console someone who not only was robbed of something so personal but was made to feel bad about it by those who should have protected them? …


For more information about this project and others from the Southern Adventist University School of Journalism and Communication, call 423-236-2762.